How evil is continually challenged by the force of the heroic code of honor in Beowulf and Odyssey.

Planned on focusing on how evil is continually challenged by the force of the heroic code of honor in Beowulf and in The Odyssey. I also planned on arguing that the heroic code is what drove the heroes on their quests and battles. If you believe there is a better theme between two of the works below that would be a better topic feel free to go with that. The 2 works can be chosen from the following:
1. The Epic of Gilgamesh
2. The Odyssey
3. Oedipus the King
4. The Rāmāyana of Vālmīki
5. Beowulf
6. Dante’s Inferno
7. The Tale of Genji
8. Sunjata: A West African Epic

I have attached the guidelines for the assignment. The sources must be credible and authoritative.

How evil is continually challenged by the force of the heroic code of honor in Beowulf and Odyssey.
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