What, if anything, is the difference between a deviant and a criminal?

Do you provide an clear structure for the portfolio?
Is the argument structured in a coherent way?
Have provide an introduction and a conclusive paragraph for your portfolio?
Have attached all the 4 short papers?
Does your portfolio accurately reference the sources used?
Good/very good
Needs attention
Needs work – please come to see me
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Capacity to critically reflect
Is the reflection accurate and complete?
Have been able to consider all the elements that you can find on the assessment brief?
Are the main points of your reflection communicated clearly and concisely?
Have you provide some reflections on the referencing process?
Good/very good
Needs attention
Needs work – please come to see me
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeReferencing
Have you properly and thoroughly referenced all your sources? Have you consistently used Harvard Referencing? Does your portfolio accurately reflect the sources used? Have you provided a reference list? If you have used non-academic sources in addition to academic sources, have you used and analysed them critically?
Good/very good
Needs attention
Needs work – please come to see me
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Clarity and quality of the work
How clear are the points that you making? Are you explicit in what you want to say? Is the paper well presented and polished to a high standard so you could submit it to an institution/employer? Are all the 4 papers properly addressing the tasks?
Good/very good
Needs attention
Needs work – please come to see me

What, if anything, is the difference between a deviant and a criminal?
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