Are the independent, dependent, and control variables clear and appropriate?

Below is the instructions for the Lab Report from Professor. Also attached is a pdf with the formatting that i am assuming she wants. Please let me know if more info is needed and i can get it for you.

This week you are designing, carrying out, and writing up your own physics experiment!

will be asking the following questions when I grade:

Is this an experiment that relates substantively to PHY 111? (You can make the connection clear in your introduction.)
Are the independent, dependent, and control variables clear and appropriate?
Does the experiment actually address the hypothesis?
Was the experiment carried out with appropriate measurements and precision?
Is a thorough and accurate understanding of the relevant physics demonstrated?
Is the experiment original (we didn’t already do it in class and I can’t find it in existence already online)?
Is the conclusion appropriate and commensurate with the results?
Does the lab report follow the guidelines — both the format and the substance of each section?

Are the independent, dependent, and control variables clear and appropriate?
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