Perform any alternative data analyses that you think are more appropriate and more enlightening. Tell why you did these alternative analyses.

YOUR TASK IS TO ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING (in essay [full sentences, paragraphs] form).

What are the mistakes (if any) did TO make in his experiment? (If any) In his data analysis? (If any) In his conclusions?

What should he have done differently? Concluded differently?

Perform any alternative data analyses that you think are more appropriate and more enlightening. Tell why you did these alternative analyses.

If you do alternative data analyses be sure to include any printouts you obtained and reference and describe them within the body of your paper.

Be sure to include enough information in your answer so that know that you know what you are talking about.

BTW, one of the problems that I am looking for is NOT that the data were entered incorrectly. I am searching for more substantial points than that.

Perform any alternative data analyses that you think are more appropriate and more enlightening. Tell why you did these alternative analyses.
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