Select a journal and carefully review the author guidelines.

During this period, the student should select a journal and carefully review the author guidelines. The manuscript topic should match the journal’s audience and preferred content as closely as possible. The student will develop a query letter/email to the editor of the selected journal to elicit interest from the journal.  The student is urged to review the author guidelines of the selected journal for manuscript formatting, headings, content areas, etc. to make sure their manuscript idea is a good fit. On the due date, the student should post in Moodle a topical outline of the manuscript, the title and author guidelines of the selected journal, AS WELL AS a copy of the query letter that was drafted for this journal’s editor.  The outline can be in any format and should be an organized, detailed list of what the student plans to write about.  Feedback that is received for the outline should be followed for the remaining assignments. Students should consider using subject levels in the outline that will match the subject level headings in the article. This stage is worth 10 points.

Select a journal and carefully review the author guidelines.
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