What makes Critical Social Work Critical?

First page: Make specific reference to:

Chap. 34: Older People,

Chap. 32: Child and Family Social Work,

Chap. 39: Family Support Services, and

Chap. 45: International Social Work,

Respond to the questions

“what is social work?”

“What do social workers do,

“where do they do it, and

“how do they do it?”

Pages 2-3: write a 2-page reflection answering the question:

“What makes Critical Social Work Critical?”

For this 2-page reflection, you are required to cite the following materials;

“Chapman and Withers; A violent History of Benevolence Interlocking Oppression.”,

“Koyama’s article (Disloyal to Feminism)”,

“What is it about us they don’t like” and

“You will never believe what happened is always a great way to start a story”.

What makes Critical Social Work Critical?
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