Choose a THEME from Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom and explain how the author developed it throughout the novel.

Task: Choose a THEME from Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom and explain how the author developed it throughout the novel. Supportyour thinking in the form of an academic paragraph (ACEACE) using at least TWO pieces of text evidence for support.

Your response should include…

❑A topic sentence that clearly addresses the prompt and specifically states a thematic statement

❑TWO examples from the novel for support (with a stem to introduce evidence) ❑Parenthetical citations “text”(Albom 43).

❑Thought provoking elaboration (2-3sentences) for each exampleDo NOT simply restate the text evidence. Explain how the author uses this example to support/develop the theme.

❑A conclusion sentence that summarizes your ideas

❑8-10 sentences with no spelling/grammar errors

Choose a THEME from Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom and explain how the author developed it throughout the novel.
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