Does a relationship exist between employee engagement and employee recognition within the organization?

According to the Gallup Institute, only 15% of workers can be described as fully engaged in their work. The institute states observes that 85% are not engaged or are actively disengaged globally (Gallup, 2017). There is a lot of research on employee engagement; so many factors actually have a great influence on employee engagement. Employee engagement refers to the personal relationship of an employee with the work environment and the employee’s positive attitude toward employers, while having a high level of perceived empowerment in the workplace (Nieberding, 2014). The following research questions were addressed by this study:

  1. Does a relationship exist between employee engagement and employee recognition within the organization?
  2. Can organizational culture, policies, and values influence the level of employee engagement within an organization?
  • Does supervisor-employee influence the level of employee engagement within an organization?
  1. Is there a relationship between management and leadership styles and the level of employee engagement within an organization?

This research also considers which of these variables is most important for employee engagement.

Does a relationship exist between employee engagement and employee recognition within the organization?
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