State in one to three sentences what was, in your opinion, the most interesting thing about the readings.

Part #1(this will be 1pg single spaced.): Read the articles attached below and answer these three questions for each of the 3 articles):

There are 8 articles which make up a whole book – all you have to do is read answer the three questions below based on the book.

________________________________________________________________________________ Question #1: state, in 1-3 sentences, whether or not you liked the book and why or why not. ________________________________________________________________________________Question #2: state in one to three sentences what was, in your opinion, the most interesting thing about the readings. ________________________________________________________________________________Question #3: pose any questions you had about the readings and indicate whether there was something you wanted to know more about. You can also pose any questions that the readings brought up in your mind. ____no heading or cover page needed

State in one to three sentences what was, in your opinion, the most interesting thing about the readings.
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