Write one brief paragraph explaining how interviewing children or youth might help you answer your research question.

1) State the research topic that you developed and settled on in your last assignment.
Substance abuse is proving to be a challenge to control in poor neighborhoods, with children (and teenagers) now being used by adults to ferry drugs on their behalf. This has increased the chances of children to start abusing drugs in adolescence.

2) State the primary research question(s) that you narrowed down at the end of the last assignment.

This study poses the question: What factors contribute to high rates of substance abuse in poor neighborhoods?

3) Write one brief paragraph explaining how interviewing children or youth might help you answer your research question.

Since children are used to carry drugs from one household to another in the poor neighborhood, it is prudent to include them in the study to determine how they are lured to participating in this crime.

Similarly, since teenagers and young adults are leading in abusing drugs, it is also prudent to include them in the study to know the contributory factors.

4) Write one brief paragraph explaining how interviewing adults might help you answer that research question.

In most poor neighborhoods, parents use informal childcare arrangements. For most families, both fathers and mothers engage in informal employment and use relatives and friends to take care of their children and young adults.

Interviewing the parents can be instrumental in understanding why they choose informal childcare arrangements, how they come to know their children abuse drugs, and how they address the issue.

Write one brief paragraph explaining how interviewing children or youth might help you answer your research question.
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