What is a Take-Away Statement?

As you watch the YouTube video as well as browse the weekly files, please make a list of 20 take-away statements about what you learned from this week’s content. Post your list under the Assignments tab.

What is a Take-Away Statement:

A one to two sentence that is an original statement about something you have learned. Each statement reflects critical thinking regarding the content and is in your own words

Example: The way that you can differentiate centipedes from millipedes is by examining the number of pairs of legs per segment. Millipedes have two pairs of legs per segment while centipedes only have one pair per segment.

What is not a Take-Away Statement:

Direct statements from class material. It is dangerous to get too comfortable with copy and paste in an online class. It will not allow for comprehension and retention of the material.

Sentences that are incomplete

Lists or facts pulled from Google, Wikipedia, or other website.

Personal feelings: Example: I think spiders are disgusting. (I really do feel this way). While it is important to include your thoughts, make sure you are communicating a connection to something you learned in the course. Another way you could phrase this is: Spiders, members of the class Arachnid, often have eight eyes but some species have up to 12. This is one of the reasons why I think spiders are scary looking. However, I do respect them ecologically.

Listing straight facts. Example: Spiders are in the class Arachnid. This is a straight fact, lacking detail that is too similar to a lecture slide or the textbook material.

How you will be graded

This assignment is worth 50 points, 2.5 points per statement

College Level Writing is required. This means no spelling, grammatical, or editing errors.

All statements must represent original work (please review course syllabus that discusses plagiarism, it will not be tolerated)

The only way that a student will not get credit for this assignment is if the material is taken directly from the course material. Changing one word is also not acceptable. You must think critically about the information you have learned thus far and type out your list of 20 statements.

What is a Take-Away Statement?
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