Identify reasons that make it plausible that all public bathrooms become gender-neutral.

Why all public bathrooms should be gender-neutralConflicting ideologies tend to emerge around the subject of gender, and one issue that seems to attract significant attention in recent years involve definitions of gender neutrality of individuals.

Gender neutrality and access to public spaces traditionally defined on the scope of male and female lines is a subject of interest that needs to be explored.

The topic supporting the establishment of gender neutral bathrooms in public spaces relates to a discussion by Sanders and Susan (779), who acknowledges that for individuals with gender nonconformity, the designation ofbathrooms based on two genders create confusion and erases the aspects of responsiveness and safety that public bathrooms are meant to offer.

Discussions in this topic will attempt to explore theideas raised by Plaskow (748), especially in understanding the admissibility of establishing gender nonconformity bathrooms.

Research question: The research question will attempt to identify reasons that make it plausible that all public bathrooms become gender-neutral. Primarily, the question will revolve around the benefits of gender nonconformity in public bathroom establishment.

Significance: Gender neutrality and nonconformity is an emerging issue that is likely to spill over to affect numerous societal structures traditionally known to be compliant with gender norms. Assessing this topic lays a foundation that will promote an understanding of how issues around gender can be addressed.

The topic will develop a solid understanding of how gender conformity and nonconformity can be handled in the future, particularly in reducing conflicts in gender roles.

Overview: Different points of view have emerged around neutral bathrooms, and safety arguments are always on the list.

Generally, neutral bathrooms present safety concerns for both genders, and Jones and Slater (834) views women walking into men’s restrooms are at a greater safety risk. Another valid point against gender-neutral bathrooms revolves around the difficulty in implementation in high traffic environments.

Gender neutral bathrooms, according to opponents, slow user flow. On the contrary, proponents’ views of unisex bathrooms suggest that they promote inclusivity and work to discourage transgender issues in commercial and public spaces (Ramster etal. 52). It also guarantees the safety of minors as parents can accompany them regardless of gender.

Identify reasons that make it plausible that all public bathrooms become gender-neutral.
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