How can you incorporate what you learned in your project in future classes, in your career and in your life?

Meeting/Ceremony or Cultural Function, Submit a 3 page word-processed report in which you relate your experience to one of the following value theories (Feel free to use any such event you’ve observed in the past):

The Cultural Environment , Hofstede (Martin & Nakayama, pp. 102-106)
Value Orientation, Kluckholm & Strodbeck (Martin & Nakayama, pp. 94-102)
Comparison of Beliefs of Major Religions, (COMM2150 Reading Packet, pp. 93-94)

How to Proceed:
Select a religion or culture, different from your own, that you would like to know more about.
Research the religion or given culture to discover what they believe and value.
Attend/WATCH A VIDEO OF a religions meeting or a cultural function of your choosing.

Write a report about your experience, using the following headings:

The overview of the report serves as a brief summary. An effective overview will include one or two sentences for each section of the report. Summarize the content of each section. Although the overview consolidates your information from a number of topics, it should read as one smoothly flowing paragraph.

Religion or Culture

Give a brief overview of the religion or culture that you investigated. Make sure to include some of the values of the religion or culture.

Religious or Cultural Function

Give some background on the religious meeting or cultural function. Explain your experience as you attended/WATCH the religious or cultural function.

Value Theory

List and explain the Value Theory that can be applied to your religious or cultural experience. You should explain the basic concepts and assumptions of the theory. You should use quotes and citations in this section from the text, Reading Packet, or online lecture.


Analyze your experience using the chosen theory. Use specific examples from your experience to illustrate the concepts of the theory.


Reflect on your experience by asking yourself the following questions:

How did you feel about this project before attending/WATCHING THE VIDEO OF the religious or cultural function?
What did you learn about the religion or culture that you investigated?
Did your attitude change throughout this project?
Did the application of theory help you to understand your experience?
How can you incorporate what you learned in your project in future classes, in your career and in your life?

Cite all sources of information using APA style.
attached is a list to help you

How can you incorporate what you learned in your project in future classes, in your career and in your life?
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