Search online for 3 sources of information about the legalization of gay marriage in America.
At least one of your sources must present an argument in favor of the legalization of gay marriage, and one present an argument against it. Good sources could include websites, YouTube videos, scholarly journal articles, etc. Sites such as Wikipedia, AskJeeves, , or similar sites are not good sources.
Write a 1-2 page paper which answers all of the following:
Summary of the argument(s) for the legalization of gay marriage
Summary of the argument(s) against the legalization of gay marriage
Do you think gay marriage should be legalized? Why or why not?
Do these arguments depend on an absolute or relative account of morality? Explain your answer.
Your paper should conform to APA guidelines, which means that it should be properly formatted, and include both a cover page and references page. Please note that your responses are graded on content, as well as grammar, spelling, and organization of ideas.