This assignment is based on Block 3. You may also find you need to integrate information from Blocks 1 and 2. You will also have to read the EMA and prepare for it.
Compulsory questions and choice of questions:
There are three parts to this TMA.
Part 1 = Question 1, which is compulsory (20 marks).
Part 2 = Questions 2, 3, 4 and 5. Question 2 carries 40 marks; Questions 3, 4 and 5 carry 20 marks each. Ultimately, you are aiming for a total of 60 marks in this section. There are two ways to approach this:
1. answer Question 2 plus one other question from Questions 3, 4 and 5, or
2. answer all three Questions 3, 4 and 5.
Part 3 = Question 6, which is compulsory (20 marks).
A total of 100 marks is available.
Part 1
Question 1 (20 marks)
You must answer Question 1. You should be able to answer Question 1 within 750 words.
Learning outcomes
The main learning outcomes that this question assesses are your ability to:
• manage and interpret environmental data and information
• assess data and evidence from a range of sources
• analyse risks and benefits associated with environmental management systems (EMS) implementation
• analyse stakeholder positions and how to evaluate different perspectives
• work with data within an environmental management system
• integrate issues from across the whole module.
For this question you should submit your journal report. This report should have two components:
• a.A copy of selected entries in the form of the two-column example table in the journal. (The example is within the introduction, ‘Using the journal to reflect on learning’.) You should aim to submit between 8 and 12 entries in total.
The Journal page is where you make your entry, which is also accessed from the ‘Journal’ link on the study planner.
There is no word limit for this part of your report.
• b.A summary of no more than 750 words. This summary should outline your journal entries and the important things you have gained from your reflection.
Question 1 represents an integration of concepts derived from the entire module. Your answer should not merely focus on technical aspects, but should integrate these with management considerations.
Your tutor will assess your submission against the following five criteria:
1. Application
Is the theory applied:
o appropriate?
o comprehensive?
o correct?
2. Integration
Are wider issues:
o included?
o relevant?
3. Perception
Is the record of insight:
o appropriate?
o at reasonable depth?
4. Learning
Is there evidence of the application of learning?
5. Structure
Are the structure and layout appropriate?
Are the experiences and learning clear?
Part 2
Question 2 (40 marks)
You should be able to answer Question 2 within 1500 words.
If you answer this question, you will also need to answer one question from Questions 3, 4 and 5.
Learning outcomes
The main learning outcomes from the module that this question is addressing include your ability to:
• understand the principles of effective communication
• understand the importance of stakeholders in managing for sustainability
• analyse stakeholder positions and critically evaluate different perspectives
• analyse communication methods and recognise their strengths and limitations
• assess data and evidence from a range of sources.
This question is based around a ‘sustainability report’ of an organisation of your choice.
You can choose any organisation you wish that produces a sustainability report. It can be an organisation you work for, or are familiar with, or is new to you and you would like to understand more about them.
Read through this TMA first and chose a report that will enable you to answer all the questions, i.e. it should include economic, social and environmental dimensions, internal and external stakeholders, and outline sustainability issues and actions.
• a.Sustainability should cover environmental, social and economic issues. From your chosen sustainability report, give one example of where the organisation has taken, or is taking, action to address each of these issues. Comment on how straightforward it was to categorise your examples.
(Note: your answer should include the name of your chosen organisation and report title.)
(5 marks)
• b.From your chosen sustainability report, identify the organisation’s internal and external stakeholders.
(4 marks)
• c.Identify one key message from your chosen report for each of the following perspectives:
o i.the organisation’s ‘sustainability manager’
o internal stakeholder (and name the type of stakeholder)
o external stakeholder (and name the type of stakeholder).
(3 marks)
• d.Use the ranking method in Block 3 to rank all the stakeholders identified in part (b). Briefly explain which of these stakeholders you consider to be the key stakeholders.
(20 marks)
• e.Choose three stakeholders from your answer to part (d), at least two of which must be key stakeholders.
Write a short message for each of your chosen stakeholders to communicate each of the three sustainability issues: environmental, social and economic. What associated actions might you expect these stakeholders to take?
(8 marks)
Question 3 (20 marks)
You should be able to answer Question 3 within 750 words.
If you answer this question, you will also need to answer Question 2, or both Questions 4 and 5.
Learning outcomes
The main learning outcomes from the module this question assesses include your ability to:
• understand the principles of effective communication
• know what is required for data management and to know the difference between data, information and knowledge
• analyse communication methods and recognise their strengths and limitations
• assess data and evidence from a range of sources
• understand the importance of big data and its ability to effect change.
Companies that undertake corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities may wish to use this internal process to help their external corporate image with stakeholders. Vital to this desire is evidence-based decision-making that is built upon a justifiable and robust evidence base. With this in mind, can you:
• a.Define data, information, and knowledge, and explain how they relate to one another to produce wisdom. Give examples of each in the context of their importance in sustainability reporting within an organisation.
(10 marks)
• b.Sustainability reporting is now commonplace among the world’s largest companies. This increasingly vast amount of data allows different groups and stakeholders to bring about positive behavioural change.
Detail up to five groups/stakeholders (internal and external) that could use CSR data to further the transition to a sustainable global economy. Each identified group should have an accompanying explanation/example.
(10 marks)
Question 4 (20 marks)
You should be able to answer Question 4 within 750 words.
If you answer this question, you will also need to answer either Question 2, or both Questions 3 and 5.
Learning outcomes
The main learning outcomes this question assesses include your ability to:
• understand the constant change and development of the subject
• assess new concepts and systems as they develop
• manage change within an organisation that happens due to various drivers
• provide expertise in location and implementation of new operations and processes
• understand the principles of effective communication
• appreciate the influence that selective disclosures can have on public perception.
Selective disclosure or ‘greenwashing’ refers to false or misleading environmental claims in advertising.
This form of corporate spin has been used to alter the perception of an organisation’s product, aims or policies1. This tactic has been observed recently in the fashion and textiles industries. For example, Vogue’s UK website2 noted:
• the use of terms such as ‘sustainably made’ or ‘eco-friendly’, with no attempt to quantify the claims
• the promotion of ‘natural materials’ that may have been produced from non-sustainable sources or with excessive use of fertilisers and herbicides etc.
Similarly, a life cycle assessment study from England’s Environment Agency3 noted that cotton reusable shopping bags need to be used over 1900 times to make their impact on terrestrial ecotoxicity less than that of single use plastic bags.
• a.What are the major drivers of greenwashing in a sector, industry or specific company of your choosing? Consider both internal and external factors.
(5 marks)
• b.Detail up to five tactics of corporate greenwashing in your specified sector and rank them in terms of effectiveness.
(5 marks)
• c.Many authors have argued that greenwashing is a persistent problem for consumers and the environment, and that existing laws are not sufficient to prevent it.
How can your sector, industry or specific company plan for future changes in sustainability reporting, including changes in legislation?
(10 marks)