Nursing Theorist Presentation (20%): Each student will complete an online power point presentation based on a nursing theorist of their choosing. This presentation will include how the theorist would affect clinical decision making for the BSN nurse.
Students should have the theorist they have chosen faculty approved by February 1, 2021. The presentations will be posted online by the course instructor after they are turned in via the Blackboard Assignment Folder by March 1, 2021. Refer to the assignment grading criteria found in this syllabus for content and organization of your presentation.
Grading Criteria for Nursing Theorist Presentation
Each student will develop a voiced-over power point presentation on a nursing theorist of their choice.
Power points should cover all critical aspects of the theory and its application to nursing practice. Also, include how you were influenced by the theory and how it relates to your own philosophy of nursing. Be sure to include at least two references that are not your textbook and utilize appropriate APA style. Creativity also counts. This assignment counts as 20% of your course grade.
Grading Criteria:
Appropriate nursing theorist chosen * 5 points
Components of theorist’s model – Complete and clearly stated 30 points
Application to nursing practice and describe how this theorist defines clinical reasoning/critical thinking 25 points
Discussion of influence theorist had on student and relationship to student philosophy 15 points
APA Style, grammar and spelling 10 points
References 10 points
Submitted on time 5 points
TOTAL 100 points
*Choice of theorist to course instructor via Blackboard Assignment Folder for approval by February 1, 2021.
** Presentation submitted via Blackboard Assignment Folder AND appropriate discussion board by 11:59 PM on March 1, 2021.
The class book should also be included in the sources.
Masters, K., (2020). Role development in professional nursing practice. (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning, Inc