During the last several decades, there has been a “lock em up” mentality through out the United States. Mandatory sentencing became the norm though out the justice system meaning; if you do this, (name the crime), you get this.
There were a multitude of people going in the system but few coming out. In Oklahoma, our prison system was at 120 percent capacity. Oklahoma has not built a new prison since 1973 and most of the “minimal security” prison’s were converted juvenile reform centers.
At the municipal level criminal justice reform has resulted in the “decriminalization of most misdemeanor crimes such as petit larceny, marijuana possession, and other misdemeanors.
At the state level, reform meant the reduction in sentences concerning “non-violent” offences to include driving while intoxicated and some drug possession of lessor amounts.
want you to write a analytical essay on the subject of criminal justice reform giving one positive and one negative outcome.
What I want to see in this assignment:
APA format, at least three pages, double spaced, with a cover sheet and bibliography with at least two citations. I want to see a succinct thesis statement .
Wikipedia IS NOT a valid resource for research.
What I will be looking for:
Formatting, basic sentence structure, spelling and grammar.