Based on economics literature conducted by Johnson and Dickinson (2010), what are the frequently expressed concerns in rank order tournament?

This is an unlimited time quiz, and the writer has plenty of time to take their time and read through the reading, so there is no reason that, I should be getting a failing grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Based on Reid et al. (2012) Chapter 7, what are the different ways that supervisors can turn negative workplace events for staff into positive events? (essay type question, but there is no length requirement)

2. Modern organizational behavior management (OBM) includes a number of subdisciplines such as performance management, systems analysis, and behavior-based safety. (True or false question)

3. Aubrey Daniels argues against the use of employ-of-the-Month (EOM) because EOM incentives are based on results without consideration of the behaviors that may have produced those results. (True or false question)

4. According to Reid et al. (2012), monetary compensation strongly impacts daily work performance and enjoyment. (True or false question)

5. According to Johnson and Dickinson (2010), supplementing EOM with additional incentives can improve and sustain employee performance. (True or false question)

6. According to Reid et al. (2012), special recognition actions are always better than special recognition awards when it comes to improve staff performance and work enjoyment. (True or False question)

7. Choose the reason(s) for the use of employee-of-the-month (EOM) (multiple choice)

Giving credit to deserving individuals

Boosting morale

Motivating excellence by providing positive examples for other employees to emulate

All of these

8. Based on economics literature conducted by Johnson and Dickinson (2010), what are the frequently expressed concerns in rank order tournament? (multiple choice)


The (small) fraction of winner prizes

Employee performance variability

All of these

Sources that you need:

Reid, Parsons & Green (2012) Chapter 7
Parsons, M. B., Rollyson, J. H., & Reid, D. H. (2012). Evidence-based staff training: a guide for practitioners.  Behavior analysis in practice, 5(2), 2-11.
Johnson, D. A., & Dickinson, A. M. (2010). Employee-of-the-month programs: Do they really work? Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 30, 308-324.
Wilder, D. A., Austin, J., & Casella, S. (2009). Applying behavior analysis in organizations: Organizational behavior management. Psychological Services, 6(3), 202-211.

Based on economics literature conducted by Johnson and Dickinson (2010), what are the frequently expressed concerns in rank order tournament?
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