Write a review manuscript about Riemann Zeta Function and the Connection to the Prime Numbers and about the Riemann Hypotheses.

Riemann Zeta Function and the connection to the Prime Numbers and Riemanns Hypotheses

Please write a review manuscript about Riemann Zeta Function and the Connection to the Prime Numbers and about the Riemann Hypotheses. Please also point out the relevance of the Riemann Zeta Function for other parts of mathematics and physics including the String theory,

The manuscript needs to have a formal structure consiting from Introduction, background, main result, conclusion, and bibliography. It needs to have 40 references. Vancouvers Style is needed for the references.

Make sure that the mathematical notation is not sloppy and uses microsofts formula editor for the mathematical formulas.

Write a review manuscript about Riemann Zeta Function and the Connection to the Prime Numbers and about the Riemann Hypotheses.
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