Describe various types, advantages, and disadvantages of data collection methods used in research.

Topic: Data Collection Methods

Choose a type of data collection method (I prefer Existing Data or Observation Data Collection), and describe a scenario when it would be useful as well as potential pitfalls of the method. Use your textbook (Chapter 14) as support for your answer.
Objectives I prefer Existing Data or Observation Data Collection
Describe various types, advantages, and disadvantages of data collection methods used in research

Please they should be introduction and a conclusion
APA 7th edition formatting
Only three references including my textbook.
Please only peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years
Peer-reviewed Journals references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines

Describe various types, advantages, and disadvantages of data collection methods used in research.
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