Critically assess their arguments to show whether they were persuasive or not.

For this week you will need to submit Reading Response #1 by 11:59 pm on Friday, February 19. The response is on the current week’s readings, meaning Ben H. Shepherd, “The Army in the New Reich, 1933-36” and Adrian Gilbert, Waffen-SS: Hitler’s Army at War. The requirements and instructions for this response are available on the course syllabus. Also The readings for this week, unlike in past weeks, are secondary sources.

In general, you will need to summarize the arguments offered in each reading, showing how they are similar and/or different from one another.

In the process, you should critically assess their arguments to show whether they were persuasive or not. Finally, you should explain how these articles provide additional information to what I talk about in this week’s lectures.

Critically assess their arguments to show whether they were persuasive or not.
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