Research and write up a case study of how a major company producing and selling consumer products and services uses big data.

Research and write up a case study of how a major company producing and selling consumer products and services uses big data
The case study should be in this format.

1. Brief introduction, including summary of company’s operations
2. Brief description of big data use (e.g., revenue management, resource allocation, customer loyalty program, operations management, supply chain, inventory management, consumer marketing)
3. Brief history with respect to data in the area you are researching, including successes and setbacks firm had in getting to where they are today with respect to data collection and use in the area you are researching
4. Impact of data use on their business (include metrics such as sales increases, cost savings, increased utilization, change in churn rate, or whatever is appropriate for firm or industry)
5. How information derived from data collected is used for decision-making
6. Plans for future development of data and information systems for use by management for decision-making
7. Summary and assessment of firm’s stage of development and success using data to improve management decision-making

Research and write up a case study of how a major company producing and selling consumer products and services uses big data.
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