How do damage and dysfunction contribute to the observed symptoms?

Choose an agnosia from this list, or contact me to choose a different one: abulia, acataphaisa, acoria, adiadochokinesia, alexia, allesthesia, amelodia, amusia, analgesia, anomia, anosognosia, aphemia, apraxia, aprosodia, asemia, astereognosia, asynergia, ataxia, dyschiria, dyschronation, dysmimia, environmental agnosia, prosopagnosia, topagnosis, topographagnosia, verbal dysdecorum.

A lot of what we know about brain functioning comes from studies of deficits, and agnosias are very specific perceptual and functional deficits. Your task is to locate at least 3 references for the agnosia you choose. It is important to be sure you have enough information to complete your assignment.

References should come from journal articles from within the last seven years, and should be included at the end of your paper in APA format. Citations should be in the body of your paper. Additional references can come from any trusted source. Reference librarians can help you!

You will be graded on how complete and clear your sections are (see numbered section headings below).

Note on plagiarism: plagiarism detection will be used for this assignment. There are 2 key ways to avoid plagiarism. 1. Cite any idea you take from some other source. 2. Paraphrase everything you cite. Do not use quotes. Quoting material does not demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the material.

In your paper, include the following section headings:(below each heading there is a description of what this section should include)
1. Symptoms: What are the symptoms associated with this agnosia? What kinds of accommodations will someone with this agnosia need in order to resume typical function?

2. Associated brain areas: Clearly describe the brain areas associated with the agnosia. What is the typical function of these areas? How do damage and dysfunction contribute to the observed symptoms? Include specifics from the papers you found.

How do damage and dysfunction contribute to the observed symptoms?
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