Discuss the background of this person, aircraft or development that led to its important contribution.

Choose a historical person, aircraft or significant development and discuss the roles and major impacts that this has played in aviation development since the 1920’s (you may choose any date from 1920 to yesterday).

Explain why this person, aircraft or significant development has had significant impact.
Discuss the background of this person, aircraft or development that led to its important contribution.
Discuss the challenges and barriers confronting the success of this aircraft, person or development.
Define the lasting impact this has had on aviation in today’s world.
You may do this in Essay form or Paragraph form (where you address each of these 4 points)

1500-2000 – penalties if outside these numbers. References and any title should not be included in the word count.

Discuss the background of this person, aircraft or development that led to its important contribution.
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