Discuss the FBI’s role in countering cyber threats.

FBI’s role in countering cyber threats

Given the importance of information security, students will conduct research and write a consolidated, thematic essay on the selected case study or topic:
Describing the historical approaches and techniques hackers use to gain access, privileges, and control of information systems.
Analyzing and identifying cyber threats, and specific counter measures.
Synthesizing and recognizing security concerns that have potential to turn into catastrophes.
Evaluating the proactive measures as well as the legal, technological, and policy aspects of information security.
You must base and support your report using external research, the course textbook, and supplemental course materials. Your external research must be reliable and authoritative, preferably from peer-reviewed (refereed) publications. You must include a minimum of five (5) course-external references.

Discuss the FBI’s role in countering cyber threats.
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