Analyze and explain the environmental consequences of industrialization and the impact that it had not only on the physical landscape, but the health affects of the population that was exposed to it as well.

Analyze and explain the environmental consequences of industrialization and the impact that it had not only on the physical landscape, but the health affects of the population that was exposed to it as well.

You may ask yourself what life was like in the nineteenth century if you worked in and lived near a factory of any sort; from the smoke in the air to the quality of drinking water and food supplies.

Make certain to use specific examples to support your narrative and to give an overview of how seriously industrialization impacted and changed the physical and environmental landscape of this era, not only in the United States, but elsewhere.

Your concluding paragraph should include your own thoughts on this subject supported by facts from the textbook. For example, it’s not acceptable to simply state, “pollution was horrible.” You must follow up with the reasons behind why pollution was horrible.

Your paper should be a minimum of one full page in length and a maximum of two pages, single spaced in 12 point font with double spacing between each body paragraph and parenthetical citations where direct quotes or paraphrasing are used. You should address the overall themes touched on within the text, as well as how it applies to modern history.

When either paraphrasing or using direct quotes, make certain to cite your sources using MLA citation format in order to avoid plagiarism and include a Works Cited page.

Analyze and explain the environmental consequences of industrialization and the impact that it had not only on the physical landscape, but the health affects of the population that was exposed to it as well.
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