What are the historical dimensions of this controversy?

scribe the origins and causes of the controversy you have chosen to write about:
• What are the historical dimensions of this controversy? That is, where does
the issue come from? What started the controversy?
• What are the causes of this problem?
Put most simply, your task in this paper is to answer as fully as you can the following essential questions about your issue: How did it begin and what causes it?

Element 3:
Get into the substance of your argument by evaluating what is at the heart of your controversy. It is in this part of your paper that you put forth your opinion regarding the issue in an attempt to persuade your reader about its nature.

Listed below are some questions for you to consider. Answering those questions will help you clarify what it is you’re actually arguing about.
• What makes it a good or bad thing?
• Should it be sought or avoided?
• Is it right or wrong?
• Is it better or worse than something else?
• Is it more or less desirable than any alternative?

What are the historical dimensions of this controversy?
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