Explain how we can improve our testing resulting in a better patient outcome with their hearing aids.

Audiology Assesment

“Towards Better Test Utilisation” – What strategies could exist to Improve Hearing Aid Dispenser Testing and Their Impact on Patient Outcomes?

You should answer the essay question utilising your knowledge from

• How can we improve our testing resulting in a better patient outcome with their hearing aids?

• How do we combined our testing methods to achieve this outcome?

• How some testing methods underpin  or  compliment other tests. Building to a final result – a test battery

• What tests do we use

Otoscopy – not influenced by the patient

Pure tone




You should including the following:

• An evaluation and appraisal of available tests

• How test results can be integrated to guide management strategies

• Evidence based management strategies

• Pathophysiological processes that impact test choice, management strategy and patient outcomes

• Evidence Based Rehabilitation theories

Explain how we can improve our testing resulting in a better patient outcome with their hearing aids.
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