Describe the research strategy used to evaluate the hypothesis.

The document should be formatted with 1″ margins on all sides.

Text should be written in 12 point Times New Roman font, and should be double spaced.

The first line of every paragraph should be indented.

Page numbers should be present on the top right corner of each page.

Introduction Section Content:

An APA-style introduction section will typically do several things:

1) Provide a general introduction to the topic of the paper. This often includes background information on the psychological construct the experiment will try to measure (for example, memory). This part of the introduction should help to convince the reader that the topic is important.

2) Provide a statement of the purpose of the study. This section should include a clear discussion of the variables that the experiment examines, and the hypothesized relationship between those variables.

3) Describe the research strategy used to evaluate the hypothesis.

Describe the research strategy used to evaluate the hypothesis.
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