Discuss a Literacy Review on Appropriate Assessment for First Grade

Literacy Review on Appropriate Assessment for First Grade

This assignment is and opportunity for you to evaluate critique and advocate for appropriate assessment of young children. First you will decide what grade you want to focus on.

Then you’ll research about what are the assessments that are available and used for that age group. Then you’ll do a literature review of 10 research articles to provide information about what is currently being done in terms of assessment for that age group.

Finally based on your observations, literature review and experiences you will advocate for the best way to assess children. Please be sure to validate your ideas with appropriate research literature. Your paper should have the following sections

Introduction – overview of assessment and its importance.
Literature review at least 10 research articles should be reviewed for the assessments that are used for the age you have selected do not summarize each article separately read the information and write the literature review in a way that integrates the information from all the articles.

Discuss a Literacy Review on Appropriate Assessment for First Grade
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