Highlight the difference between neo-liberalists  and  liberalist theory.

– Referencing & bibliography: Use Harvard Format, citing even the page you will take information from.

– explain what ethical foreign policy

– neo liberalism with international relation theories and some IR scholars

– neoliberalist version of foreign policy

– liberalism with the ethical foreign policy

– Machiavelli and Hobbes. Why are they relevant? Morality & ethical foreign policy.

– Difference between neo-liberalists  and  liberalist theory.

– theory of Human Right. Why are they relevant to the ethical foreign policy?

– in details about the commonwealth and the apartheid era of South Africa. Britain position and why SA withdrew in 1961. Impacts and consequences for both countries (Margret Thatcher).

– Talk about orientalism

– Racial segregation in South Africa. Ethics in IR, meaning, theories about it and IR scholars.

– South Africa, US & UK = exporting arms. Their relationship. Why do these democratic countries still want to export arms to South Africa?

– Explain in details the ethical foreign policy in South Africa,

Highlight the difference between neo-liberalists  and  liberalist theory.
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