Evaluate and analyzethe green hotels’technology functions, pros and cons,and strengths and weaknesses.

Students may choose to work on an independent study that will be assigned by the instructor.For this study, students can choose anytopic from the following options to conduct a comprehensive study.

1)Eco-Friendly Hotel Technologies:For this project, students need to evaluate and analyzethe green hotels’technologyfunctions, pros and cons,and strengthsand weaknesses.

2)The HospitalityIndustry’s Strategies for Post-pandemic: Even though the virus is a relatively new concept, enormous studies,and articles have been written on this topic which makes it easy to reach adequate research resources for this study.

3)The Future of Hospitality: For this topic, students may research to discussthe trend and the future of the hospitality industry. They may discuss the impact of the technology, virus, terrorism, global warming,etc. by suggesting solutions that may help industry managers to address these issues

Evaluate and analyzethe green hotels’technology functions, pros and cons,and strengths and weaknesses.
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