What can suburbs do to be more attractive to newcomers?

1. Suburbia has been growing for a century, and that growth has been accelerating even before Covid. Now cities are losing out even more. In your opinion will this trend continue or will it slow down. What can suburbs do to be more attractive to newcomers?

2. You have just been named head of communications and marketing for a city in the Heartland. How do you make your case? Spell out best advantages and what image issues that need to be worked on. What media/social media channels would you target?

3. Now you have been appointed head of marketing for Southern California. How do you make the case? What is the best strategy to get the areas back? What would you add in promotional website and videos? address both the up and downsides, as you would for the company that appointed you for this task.

What can suburbs do to be more attractive to newcomers?
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