Describe the process of becoming a volunteer at Citizens Advice.

Introduction: 500 words, about Citizens Advice England. About what they do, how they work, about what they are.

First chapter: Becoming a volunteer. 500 words. Describing the process of becoming a volunteer at Citizens Advice.

Second chapter: Volunteering, the work itself. 500 words. Describing the citizen advice volunteer training/work.

Third chapter: Opportunities, Tensions & Dilemmas of the Placement. 500 words.

Fourth chapter: 1000 words. Understanding the Organisation (Citizens Advice England) as part of the voluntary sector.

Fifth chapter: 200 words. Future Recommendations.

Three texts that are useful for writing reports are below. It would be great if you use it as a reference.

Barrass, R. (2002) Study! London: Routledge, pp. 147-158.

Berger, A. (2008) The Academic Writer’s Toolkit. Routledge: Walnut Creek, pp. 93-102.

Cottrell, S. (2019) The Study Skills Handbook. London: Red Globe Press, pp. 357-365

Describe the process of becoming a volunteer at Citizens Advice.
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