Discuss the Management and Knowledge among Health Practitioners of Autonomic Dysreflexia Secondary to Spinal Cord Injury Patients

Management and Knowledge among Health Practitioners of Autonomic Dysreflexia Secondary to Spinal Cord Injury Patients

critical literature review essay on a chosen topic – management and knowledge among health professionals of autonomic dysreflexia secondary to spinal cord injury.

This is a nursing practice subject. 5000 words critical literature review and 2000 words action plan based on the headings (in table format) ‘ What? By Whom?, By when?, and Expected Outcome’.

The action plan is about how I planned from start to finish to deliver teaching health professionals staff about managing autonomic dysreflexia to residents within the nursing home I work for. Also, there is a lot of information that would need to be sent but would mean me authorising access to my university site.

Would that be OK? You will need to contact me for access details. Not everything has to be read but there is guidance on how the critical review should be written.

Discuss the Management and Knowledge among Health Practitioners of Autonomic Dysreflexia Secondary to Spinal Cord Injury Patients
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