Using your own creditor protection coding, and comparing it to  one of the countries already coded of your choice, critically analyse this statement and question showing good evidence of wider reading and clear evidence of a comparative study.

“Corporate creditors face a unique risk of debtor opportunism in all jurisdictions. This is why all legal systems provide mechanisms designed to protect corporate creditors through a mix of regulatory strategies that reflects different styles of adjudication and enforcement, as well as diversity in insolvency proceedings.

Nevertheless, it can be said, that we are witnessing a convergence of the legal strategies boosting creditor protection, which is to be welcomed.”

Using your own creditor protection coding, and comparing it to  one of the countries already coded of your choice, critically analyse this statement and question showing good evidence of wider reading and clear evidence of a comparative study.


Respond to this coursework with your own leximetric coding in mind. In order to assist the examiners, you will need to provide a copy of your leximetric coding.

This does NOT form part of the word count for this assignment.  ensure this is attached as an appendix to your coursework when submitting electronically.

Using your own creditor protection coding, and comparing it to  one of the countries already coded of your choice, critically analyse this statement and question showing good evidence of wider reading and clear evidence of a comparative study.
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