Day: July 10, 2021

Discuss the value and importance of three (3) of the services.

Read the updated 2020 10 Essential Public Health Services: Review the 10 EPHS in the framework and write an essay with the following information: 1. Discuss the value and importance of three (3) of the services. 2. Research online an example of each of the three services you selected (include the URL/website link of […]

Write about how your chosen person impacted the Civil War Era.

Choose a person from the Civil War Era. The Person  choose to write about is Abraham Galloway. Creative option: Post about the Civil War from their perspective. You can talk about any aspect of the Civil War, but you must look at it from your character’s perspective. In other words, you are no longer living […]

What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed? Explain.

Assignment 2: Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Elderly People Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the […]

Analyze the impact of foreign exchange on different business scenarios and present your findings in a short business memo.

Foreign exchange impacts the profitability of transactions in international markets. It can turn a profitable business into one that loses money and can turn an unprofitable business into one that makes money. In this assignment, you will analyze the impact of foreign exchange on different business scenarios and present your findings in a short business […]

What is the recommended resistance training intensity for experienced lifters versus novice to intermediate individuals looking to improve strength?

PART 1: CASE STUDY: A 48 year old man wants to begin a moderate-to-high/vigorous intensity exercise program to decrease his risk of developing diabetes given his family history. His health profile is: – total serum cholesterol 192 mg∙dL-1 – LDL cholesterol 102 mg∙dL-1 – resting heart rate: 66 bpm – HDL cholesterol: 67 mg∙dL-1 – […]

After taking the time to imagine the future and what it would look like with your ideas having been successfully implemented, write about these results.

After taking the time to imagine the future and what it would look like with your ideas having been successfully implemented, write about these results. How will you measure the success of your project? What will the world look like? Do you see any roadblocks to achieving your goals? Include references and citations.

You have taken an internship with the department of veterans affairs google the many responsibilities the VA handles, base your reflection paper mostly on the criminal justice responsibilities to explain your internship experience.

You have taken an internship with the department of veterans affairs google the many responsibilities the VA handles, base your reflection paper mostly on the criminal justice responsibilities to explain your internship experience. Be as creative as necessary (but realistic).   The paper should be a minimum of 10-15 pages (not including the title page […]

Explore how a company can qualify or quantify economic factors of markets and how it can influence the process of selecting a new market for a product.

Overview There are many factors that should be examined when considering a new international market. In this assignment, you will explore how a company can qualify or quantify economic factors of markets and how it can influence the process of selecting a new market for a product. As you complete this assignment, consider how the […]

Discuss about Socioeconomic and Political Effects of the American Revolutionary War.

This Paper should be about the Socioeconomic and Political Effects of the American Revolutionary War. My Argument should be about how the British should reimburse all losses to each enterprise in the colonies Instructions A Short Paper Assignment allows you to demonstrate your research skills to your instructor and to receive feedback that will benefit […]

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