Research the drugs, fluids and other medications given for your diseases to create a set of math problems for each of the topics.

Research the drugs, fluids and other medications given for your diseases to create a set of math problems for each of the topics. This should include drugs to go home when your patient’s problem is resolved. You should select a realistic weight for the patient and give the signalment.

Pictures should be used in conjunction with some of your problems. These might include drug labels, bags of fluid, syringes, etc.

A short rationale as to how the case progresses and why the treatment is being used should be provided.

Each case needs to have a minimum of 10 problems. A separate answer key is required.

Your disease processes are:
K. Adult horse with right dorsal colitis
N. Horse with laminitis

This project is due during Week 13 of the course. It is worth 140 total points toward your final grade. Grading will be based on the rubric associated with the final problems. All sources used should be cited on a separate bibliography page in APA format

Research the drugs, fluids and other medications given for your diseases to create a set of math problems for each of the topics.
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