Explain the challenge a business faces and the seriousness of the problem.

Define the term you selected from the list and cite the source(s) for the definition.

Explain the challenge a business faces and the seriousness of the problem.

Write a thesis or purpose statement for the entire paper explaining your goal of identifying and analyzing an ethical dilemma in the workplace.

Cite and document the source(s) you use (APA style documentation). Write one paragraph that defines the term you selected from the “ethics” list of topics. If possible, use a specialized dictionary or ethics dictionary rather than a generic online dictionary, such as . Read about the topic you selected so that you understand how serious the issue is and why it is an important ethical issue in the workplace.

Summarize in a few paragraphs what you’ve learned about the topic and explain its importance.

Explain the challenge a business faces and the seriousness of the problem.
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