Demonstrate an understanding of the key health and wellbeing issues and current debates contemporary topics related to health and social care.

Module learning outcomes.

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the key health and wellbeing issues and current debates contemporary topics related to health and social care.

2. Identify and demonstrate comprehensive analysis of socio-economic, political, and cultural factors which influence health and wellbeing in health and social care

3. Critically appraise evidence-based knowledge to analyse the complex experiences of diverse population groups and the impact it has on their lives and society in relation to relevant topics.

4. Analyse the perspectives, impact, and implications of contemporary health and social care issues have on the development and provision of integrated services to cater to the diverse needs of population groups.

5. Debate and develop implications on policy and practice initiatives in and across contemporary (integrated) health and social care contexts

Demonstrate an understanding of the key health and wellbeing issues and current debates contemporary topics related to health and social care.
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