Give the effective Solutions to Increase College Graduation Rates of Low income Students

Effective Solutions to Increase College Graduation Rates of Low income Students

Introduction – This section overviews the main contents and sections of the chapter. The introduction should present an overall analysis and interpretation of the findings in the study and highlight recommendations for future research. This section reminds the reader of the research questions, problem, and main issues or topic under investigation.

Discussion of Findings and Theoretical Foundations- This section highlights the findings reported in Chapter 4, drawing a correlation between the results and the contention of the investigation, and attempting to place the findings within the conceptual framework of this study. Your conclusion should draw together the topic, raise any points, which have not been addressed by the research, and indicate areas where more research is needed.

Conclusions should correlate back to the research questions. This section is organized by research question/hypothesis, and it conveys the specific findings of the study. It also discusses the significant themes and findings relative to the body of knowledge covered throughout Chapter 2.

Implications and Connections to the Field- The first part of this section includes the theoretical implications which connects the findings of the study to the theoretical framework presented in chapter 2 and how the results might advance or impact a practitioner’s knowledge of that theory, model, or concept.

The second part of this section includes the practical implications, which connects the findings of the study to prior research in Chapter 2 and develops practical implications and future implications that might advance practitioners’ knowledge of the topic, showing how the results may influence future practice.

Implications can be grouped into those related to theory or generalization, those related to practice, and those related to future research. Separate sections with corresponding headings provide proper organization.

Limitations, Strengths and Weaknesses, Credibility, and Generalizability- This section indicates all the limitations of the current study and evaluates strengths and weaknesses of the study. It explains the degree to which the conclusions are credible and generalizable given the methodology, research design, data analysis, and results.

Recommendations – This section includes suggestions for further research as developed from the data or found to be lacking in the literature. Such recommendations have developed during the investigation concerning the focus of the topic under study. Recommendations should correlate back to the research questions.

This section also includes recommendations for future practice which provides specific recommendations for future practice based on the results and findings of the study, explaining who will benefit from reading and/or implementing the results of the study. Recommendations should expand on or relate to the significance of the study section from Chapter 1.

Give the effective Solutions to Increase College Graduation Rates of Low income Students
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