Day: September 25, 2021

How is profit (surplus value) realized through the exploitation of workers and the distinction between labor and labor power?

According to Marx (following Rousseau?) our human potential is most fully realized through our interaction with nature–through the creative, thoughtful transformation of raw materials into a useful, finished product. We can have an intimate identification and relationship with such products. Think “the fruits of your labor” or a person who manufactures a small amount of […]

Identify specific leadership models you support, and compare and contrast communication techniques for patient-centered care effectiveness. How does your academic work support evidence of meeting the following?

Identify specific leadership models you support, and compare and contrast communication techniques for patient-centered care effectiveness. How does your academic work support evidence of meeting the following? Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values Promote the image of nursing by modeling the values and articulating the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the nursing profession. Review your […]

Evaluate and synthesize on-going care needs including multi-agency working. Discuss implications for your future practice.

Critically evaluate nursing interventions of two care priorities identified through the assessment of your patient/ service user Develop a field specific 2000-word essay based on a patient/ service user who you have cared for who requires long term care/ support. Evaluate nursing interventions of two care priorities identified through the assessment of your patient/ service […]

Where on moodle are we able to find the assessment, framework and tools for our chosen Case study?Can adult nursing students choose child case study and vice versa?

Mental health nursing case study assignment Q: What is meant by assessment, frameworks or tools in relation to the assignment?  Q: Could an acronym/process during initial patient contact be used for the assignment. Q: Is there a limit on how many assessment/ tools/frameworks we need to put in on the assignment? Q: Do we have […]

Consider the degree to which technology is a part of children’s lives, has the quality of children’s education improved commensurately?

Create a single source Essay Consider the degree to which technology is a part of children’s lives, has the quality of children’s education improved commensurately? Or has technology proved to be a distraction and hindrance to children’s learning potential? – With this prompt, you may consider, for example, the way in which the Internet can […]

Does the student adequately cover the content of the event? Is it clear that the student has read the articles/news stories and understand their contents?

Current Event    Apply U.S. Federal pay regulations to a current event/news story. For this assignment, you must pick a compensation–related, real–world current event/news story that 1) has occurred within the last 3 years and 2) relates to one of the federal laws in Ch. 17. It is important to note that the current event […]

In response to your peers, compare their findings to your own and suggest levels of prevention to reduce incidences of the disease.

Investigation of Diseases Read statement below, in response to your peers, compare their findings to your own and suggest levels of prevention to reduce incidences of the disease. “Infectious or communicable disease can be defined as an illness caused by another living agent, or its products, that can be spread from one person to another”(Ameli, […]

Explain your diagnosis for the patient, including your rationale for the diagnosis. Describe an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.

Review GI and hepatobiliary disorders. You will have a patient case so  evaluate and prescribe a drug therapy for the patient. Be specific on how the drugs work, doses you would recommend, and how you can assess to see if the medication is working or what threshold you would consider changing therapies. Learning resources for […]

Create and insert a graphic organizer or other visual comparing each of the three models of reading: bottom-up, top-down, and interactive

Literacy Instruction Portfolio Create a literacy instruction portfolio or wiki. This wiki will serve as a “living” resource manual for you to reference and use in your current or future classroom. As time passes, the materials you incorporate in this assignment can be updated, and additional materials and information can be added to keep the […]

What specific aspects of reading or writing would you like to improve, and how can strengthening these skills help you in areas of life outside of college?

Prepare a paragraph response in MLA format to this question; What specific aspects of reading or writing would you like to improve, and how can strengthening these skills help you in areas of life outside of college?

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