, identify at least one source that discusses the creative process used by a writer, scholar, researcher, musician, artist, scientist, designer, coder, entrepreneur, or other creative person you are interested in.

First, identify at least one source that discusses the creative process used by a writer, scholar, researcher, musician, artist, scientist, designer, coder, entrepreneur, or other creative person you are interested in.

Ideally, you will find a lengthy written interview, but your source could also be a video or another type of source where your subject talks directly about their creative process. Possible places to find a source include.

You may choose an interview with a writer/researcher/artist/creator from another source. Make sure that the interview focuses largely on process. If you have questions, ask your instructor.

Next, read your source(s) carefully, taking note of how the person's process connects with the writing process research articles we have studied this unit in class.

Finally, write an essay in which you analyze the subject's process in light of the concepts and findings of writing process researchers. Answer these questions: How does this person's creative process work?

How does this person's process fit into previous research into writing process? What might this person's process teach us about the writing process, in general?

The ultimate "deliverable" of this assignment is a written article. Consider using the IMRaD format (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) or a basic introduction-body-conclusion format.

Or, you might use a more personal approach, in which you discuss your interest in your subject and frame your analysis as a personal "search" for information.

Your article should probably be between 800-1200 words. As always, quality is more important than quantity.

Your first draft should make direct reference to at least two sources: at least one source that discusses your chosen writer's process, and at least one of this unit's readings on writing process research.

Unit's readings:
Perl, Sondra. "The Composing Processes of Unskilled College Writers (Links to an external site.)." Research in the Teaching of English, Vol. 13, No. 4, Dec. 1979, pp. 317-336

Use MLA guidelines for source citation and document design.

, identify at least one source that discusses the creative process used by a writer, scholar, researcher, musician, artist, scientist, designer, coder, entrepreneur, or other creative person you are interested in.
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