How effective is the use of Kidspiration Lite during the pre-writing stage of writing for students who are struggling during the writing process?

Research Question(s):
How effective is the use of Kidspiration Lite during the prewriting stage of writing for students who are struggling during the writing process?

Intervention: Describe the intervention you will implement to accomplish the outcomes you seek for your students?

The intervention is the use of a graphic organizer application on an IPad. This application/program is called Kidspiration Lite. It is a program that combines pictures and text for students to make visual connections when planning to write. Kidspiration helps students by providing them with a visual tool that allows them to
organize their writing ideas. This electronic graphic organizer will be implemented during the prewriting stage of the writing process.

Data Collection: Describe the specific approaches you will use to collect data before, during, and/or after your intervention. You need to “triangulate” your data; thus, you need at least 3 different data sources (e.g., tests, observations, interviews). Also, be specific about what each data source measures (e.g., you are using a test that measures reading comprehension or using observation to tally bullying behaviors).
Next, describe the type of data that you obtain with each source (e.g., scores from a test of subtraction facts or a frequency of bully events observed).

Data Source 1: Before applying my intervention, write an opinion paper. The paper will be used as my baseline. When the six weeks have passed, write an opinion paper using the intervention.

Data Source 2:Complete a writing interest survey. The students will complete a
survey before starting the pretest, intervention and then after the intervention is completed. This survey will be used to monitor students’ attitudes towards writing.
Data Source 3: During the first four weeks, complete the prewriting stage on the
IPad with the Kidspiration program. After the four weeks have passed, I will ask the student to apply their planning sheets to their writing.

How effective is the use of Kidspiration Lite during the pre-writing stage of writing for students who are struggling during the writing process?
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