Synthesize the various methods we have to acquire and understand information on WMD programs. Evaluate various products that provide information to the public and international community.

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various means to acquire information on WMD programs

Synthesize the various methods we have to acquire and understand information on WMD programs.

Evaluate various products that provide information to the public and international community.

National Intelligence Council, “National Intelligence Estimate Iran Nuclear Intentions and Capabilities,” 2007. (PDF)
Central Intelligence Agency, “Key Findings of the Iraq Study Group.” (pdf) Important Resource for the discussion! National Security Archive, “Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 80,”
Barton Gellman, ”U.S. Spied on Iraq via UN,” Washington Post, March 1, 1999, p. 1,
National Intelligence Council, National Intelligence Estimate, “Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs,” 2002 (PDF)
Kenneth M. Pollack, “Spies, Lies and Weapons: What went Wrong,” Atlantic Monthly, January-February 2004. (PDF) (eReserve)
David Albright, “Iraq’s Aluminum Tubes: Separating Fact from Fiction,” ISIS. (PDF)
International Inspections
Laura Rockwood, Journal of Conflict and Law, “The IAEA’s Strengthened Safeguards System.” (PDF)
Warren Stern, “Building an Effective Non-proliferation Program: U.S. Support for IAEA Safeguards.”
Board of Governors, International Atomic Energy, Report by the Director General, “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” 18 November 2011. Pay particular attention to the ANNEX. (PDF)
Resource: Additional Protocol to the NPT Safeguards Agreement (IAEA INFCIRC 540c). (PDF)
“The Lessons and Legacy of UNSCOM,” an Interview with Ambassador Richard Butler
Covert Action
David E. Sanger, “Obama Sped up Wave of Cyber Attacks against Iran,” New York Times June 1, 2012,

Synthesize the various methods we have to acquire and understand information on WMD programs. Evaluate various products that provide information to the public and international community.
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