Characterize that group provide distinguishing characteristics in terms of basic anatomy and unique characteristics. How could you identify a member of this group?

Choose a group of invertebrates to discuss (could be a Phylum, Class, or Order group, at the smallest, and that is discussed within your textbook). Check the board first and see if anybody else has chosen that group. If not, recommend making a quick statement of claim for your example. If so, choose another…first come, first served.

Note, if somebody has already chosen a phylum group you are interested in discussing, you may discuss a more specific group of that Phylum, such as a Class or Order group of that Phylum. Likewise, if somebody has already chosen a Class group of invertebrates to discuss, you may choose an Order group of that Class (and Phylum).

For your selected invertebrate group discuss the following:

1)Characterize that group provide distinguishing characteristics in terms of basic anatomy and unique characteristics. How could you identify a member of this group? Habitat(s)? Behaviors? Position in food chains/webs (niches)?

2) Provide some phylogeny on the group. What are its closest living (extant) relatives? Ancestral groups (extant or extinct)?

3) Why did you choose to discuss this group? What do you like or dislike about the group?

4) Interactions of this group with humans (if at all). Are humans impacting this group in any way?

5) Any other noteworthy comments or unique aspects of group.

Characterize that group provide distinguishing characteristics in terms of basic anatomy and unique characteristics. How could you identify a member of this group?
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