Explain/define the imaging technologies that you have chosen and their indications for use in oral health care, limitations and/or concerns. 

Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging Assignment 

The purpose of this assignment is to research emerging or other oral and maxillofacial imaging technologies other than periapical, bitewing, and panoramic techniques. Your research will be presented in an essay format.

Choose 2 emerging and/or other oral and maxillofacial imaging techniques such as: cephalometric radiographs, computed tomography (CT), dental cone beam computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or ultrasound.

Research information on your 2 chosen imaging techniques from the following sources:
Library collections
XRAY 200 course materials
Scholarly internet resources

Write a short essay explaining/defining both technologies that you have chosen and their indications for oral health care and any limitations or concerns.
Essays are to be uploaded to the XRAY 250 Assignment folder

Essay Requirements
You are required to use a minimum of 3 sources.

Write a short introduction, which includes a summary of the technologies that you will discuss in your essay. This should be no more than a few sentences.

Explain/define the imaging technologies that you have chosen and their indications for use in oral health care, limitations and/or concerns.

This should review your main points and should be no more than a few sentences.

Length and Formatting
Your essay should include in-text citations and a reference list using APA Style.

REMEMBER: Failing to properly cite your quotations is a major source of plagiarism and can result in an academic misconduct.

Use 12-point Times New Roman font.

 Explain/define the imaging technologies that you have chosen and their indications for use in oral health care, limitations and/or concerns. 
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