Write this proposal that aims to help people protect themselves and their identity while using online platforms.

Protecting yourself and your identity from online theft


Write this proposal that aims to help people protect themselves and their identity while using online platforms. It gives practical measures that an individual can use to ensure their safety and prevent identity theft online.

Manual Outline
I. Preparing for initiating personal protective measures

A. Contacting FBI
Get the cybercrime statistics.
Check demographic and racial differences in the victims.
Check FBI’s protective measures.

B. Contacting NGOs dealing with cyberbullying
Discuss FBI statistics with the NGOs.
Discuss measures they apply to help and protect victims.
Discuss challenges they encounter and how they have mitigated them.

II. Educating people

A. online Issues
Discuss social media platforms and their positive and negative attributes.
Discuss social media issues such as cybercrimes.
Discuss practicing personal responsibility while online.

B. Impact of cybercrimes
Mental impact
Economic impact
Social impact

III. Protective measures
Enabling two-step verification
Creating strong passwords
Ensuring online sites have encryption
Installing security suites programs
Avoiding confidence and phishing scams
Using personal data protection suites
Ensuring password protection of personal wireless router
Keeping off personal data while browsing
Enabling cooking on web browsers when it is necessary
Avoiding saving financial data on shopping websites

Write this proposal that aims to help people protect themselves and their identity while using online platforms.
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