Write a rewrite on the following article below: Must use same source and one other.The thread must use current APA 7formatting.

Write a rewrite on the following article below: Must use same source and one other.The thread must use current APA 7formatting.

Sampling is a very important and a main aspect when conducting strong research. There are three areas to look at when looking at the validity of research. They are measurement validity, generalizability, and causal/internal validity. When an individual has good sampling procedures or techniques they are able to make their generalizations about a specific population valid. It is unnecessary to conduct sampling when the elements within the sample are exactly the same, or identical. A sample size is more valid when a researcher generalizes from a smaller sample. If an individual tries to take on sampling of a larger population then it would take more time and money. When completing effective research, one does not have the time to test the entire population. You want the research to be as explicit and direct as possible.

“Well-designed samples require careful planning, some advance knowledge about the population to be sampled, and adherence to systematic selection procedures- all so that the selection procedures are not biased” (Check & Schutt, 2012).
Measurement validity is the first area to look at in research. This is the area where you look to make sure you truly measured what you meant to measure. One must be cautious in designing their measures of their research.

Generalizability of a study is the extent to where the research can be used to inform others about a specific population (people group, places, and events). Many do not have the time or resources to test, so that is why samples are taken. However, you want to choose a sample that can be used to generalize about the targeted population. You want to choose the group that is the most accurate to what you are trying to research.

Causal/internal validity is the honesty or truthfulness of what causes another event (for example, that c causes d). Much of the research completed in the educational world focuses on causal questions.
“The main take-away message about validity for now is that the goal of educational research is not to come up with conclusions that people will like or conclusions that suit our own personal preferences but to figure out how and why some aspect of the educational world operates as it does” (Check & Schutt,2012).

Write a rewrite on the following article below: Must use same source and one other.The thread must use current APA 7formatting.
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