What does it mean for you to be a competent intercultural communicator? Discuss and provide concrete examples to illustrate the approach(es) you are engaging with in your response.

You will use the Ebook CHAPTER 7. Textbook is- Martin, J.N., Nakayama, T.K. (2022). Intercultural Communication in Contexts (8th edition). Boston: McGraw-Hill. ISBN10: 1260837459

Instructions & assignment from professor-

Consider two rather complex questions which help you reflect not only on what you have learned in our course so far, but also on how knowledge about Intercultural Communication can be applied to our own lives.

1. What does it mean for you to be a competent intercultural communicator? Discuss and provide concrete examples to illustrate the approach(es) you are engaging with in your response.

2. How can you use your knowledge about Intercultural Communication to work toward peaceful interactions with members of different ethnic/religious, or any “other” group, in your very own life?

Remember that all blog entries need to have at least one scholarly, credible source cited right in your contribution to support your key claims (i.e., include proper in-text citations according to the style manual of your choice).

What does it mean for you to be a competent intercultural communicator? Discuss and provide concrete examples to illustrate the approach(es) you are engaging with in your response.
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